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by: Victor Suarez

Aaron Judge was in the batting cage, taking swings at pitches from the pitching machine. He was trying to get his timing down for the upcoming game against the Boston Red Sox.

He had been struggling at the plate lately, and he was determined to turn things around. He had been watching video of his at-bats, and he thought he had identified some areas where he could improve.

He took a few more swings, and then he stepped out of the cage. He was about to head back to the dugout when he saw a little girl standing at the fence. She was wearing a Yankees jersey, and she had a big smile on her face.

“Can I have your autograph?” she asked.

Judge smiled back. “Sure,” he said.

He took out a pen and signed her jersey. She was so happy, and she thanked him over and over again.

“You’re welcome,” Judge said. “I’m glad I could make your day.”

He watched her walk away, and he felt a sense of satisfaction. He had made a difference in someone’s life, and that was a good feeling.

He turned and walked back to the dugout, feeling confident and ready for the game.

The game was close, but the Yankees eventually pulled out a win. Judge hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth inning, and the fans went wild.

After the game, Judge was signing autographs when he saw the little girl again. She was even happier than before.

“You won the game!” she said.

“We sure did,” Judge said.

He signed her jersey again, and she thanked him again.

“You’re welcome,” Judge said. “I’m glad I could help.”

He watched her walk away, and he felt a sense of pride. He had helped the Yankees win the game, and he had made a difference in someone’s life.

It was a good day to be Aaron Judge.

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