From The Press Box
Amaury Pi-González
Jaime Jarrin has been the Spanish Voice for the Los Angeles Dodgers for over six decades. He told me about this current 2022 season: “mi carrera como cronista radial terminará definitivamente cuando realize mi última transmición, ojalá sea en la Serie Mundial y terminar mi ciclo como empezé con los Dodgers ganando la Serie Mundial en 1959 contra los White Sox” Trans: “my career as a radio sportscaster will definitely come to an end when I broadcast the World Series and end my cycle which started when I began with the Dodgers winning the 1959 World Series over the White Sox”.
Did you ever envision such a lengthy and successful career when you first began? “nunca ni en sueño crei que recibiría tantas bendiciones en mi carrera, vine a este país a ampliar mis horizontes esperando únicamente ubicarme y seguir trabajando como todos los inmigrantes que llegan a este incomparable y generoso país”. Trans- “never even in a dream I believe I would received so many blessings in my career, I came to this country to broaden my horizons, only with the hope of settling down like all the immigrants that come to this incomparable and generous country”.
Jaime’s career began prior to his arrival to the United States. “mi carrera en radio comenzó en 1951 cuando a los 16 años de edad obtuve mi primer trabajo frente a un micrófono como periodista radial en la emisora HCJB La Voz de los Andes en mi nativa Quito, Ecuador. Trans- “my radio career began in 1951 at 16 years of age when I got my first job in front of a microphone as a radio journalist on HCJB La Voz de los Andes in my native, Quito, Ecuador”
When I asked him what he would miss after his retirement this year, “creo que extrañaré el juego del que vivo enamorado pero sobre todo extrañaré a los periodistas y colegas cuya amistad me han brindado haciendo más ligero el trabajo y sobre todo los viajes, ya estoy extrañando de sobremanera a mi hermano y consejero Vin Scully. El periodismo local y nacional tanto en inglés como en Español ha sido muy generoso especialmente en este año de despedida y mi gratitud eterna” Trans- I think I will miss the game that I am in-love with, but most of all I will miss the journalist and colleagues, most of all my brother and adviser Vin Scully. The local and national media in English as well as in Spanish, they have been very generous, especially during this year of my farewell; my eternal gratitude”.

What does Jaime Jarrín plans to do after his retirement? “seguiré afiliado a los Dodgers como un embajador por lo menos por dos años, pero mi carrera radial termina en este 2022”. Trans- “for at least the next two years I will continue my affiliation with the Dodgers as an ambassador, but my broadcast career ends this 2022”.
I have known Jaime Jarrín since the mid-1970’s. I have always had the utmost respect and admiration for Jaime. It is truly a pleasure to have known him for a lifetime, specially that World Series in 1977 (that is 45 years, for those scoring at home). As recent as the late 1990’s I shared the booth broadcasting with Jaime for the Spanish radio networks in the US and Latinamerica. A consummate professional and truly a gentleman. I wish him the very best.
I have told Jaime many times, he was the luckiest man that I have known in broadcasting, why? He was fortunate enough to have spent his whole career with the LA Dodgers, a team that has always appreciated the value and importance of the Hispanic market. Not now, when in LA Spanish is spoken as frequently as English and the Latinos are the largest minority in the country, with ‘at least’ 65 million people, but from the very beginning in the 1950’s, when it was not “politically correct” to speak Spanish.
The Dodgers are very close to clinching their divisional title. As of today they have a 94-42 record, best in the major leagues. Starting this Friday when the Dodgers open a weekend series in San Diego against the Padres, Jaime Jarrín will be calling all the games (like he always does) home and away on radio KTNQ 1020AM Los Angeles. MLB Baseball Hall of Fame announcer, Jaime Jarrín is now in the home stretch of his career.
Felicidades Jaime.